
hi everybody i just started this ecobrick activity on the early Jun 2019. alhamdulillah i just got responses by my goverment in malaysia. by this julai. we have started to setting our first lunching program in my village DUN Lembah Jaya here are the detail for my first event (hope u can read malay language):-

TARIKH : 26 JULAI 2019
MASA : 8.30 PAGI ~ 1.00 TGH HARI
Tentatif Bengkel Pelestarian Alam DUN Lembah Jaya 
8.30 pagi – Pendaftaran Peserta Bengkel 
8.45 pagi - Ucapan Aluan Wakil Pusat Khidmat Masyarakat DUN Lembah Jaya 
8.50 pagi – Ceramah Pelestarian Alam Sekitar oleh Presiden Lestari Alam 
9.30 pagi – Sesi Tayangan Video Alam Sekitar

9.45 pagi – Sesi Soal Jawab bersama Penceramah
10.00 pagi – Kudapan / Sarapan Pagi
10.30 pagi – Sesi Praktikal #1 Eco Bricks

11.00 pagi – Sesi Praktikal #2 Kompos

12.00 T/hari - Ketibaan Y.B. Puan Hajah Haniza Binti Mohamed Talha 
-  Nyanyian Lagu NegaraKu 

-  Nyanyian Lagu Negeri Selangor 

-  Bacaan Doa 

12.15 T/hari – Ucapan Y.B. Puan Hajah Haniza Binti Mohamed Talha
12.30 T/hari - 
Penyampaian Sijil Peserta Bengkel 

- Sesi bergambar bersama Peserta Bengkel
1.00 T/hari – Makan Tengah hari
1.30 T/hari -  Bersurai

Sebarang matlumat lanjut sila hubungi
017-777 8467
Mohamad Fazwan
Pengarah Program Alam Sekitar
Persatuan Lestari Alam Malaysia

okey lets start talk about ecobrick.. An ecobrick is a plastic bottle packed with plastic to a set density to create a reusable building block. Ecobricks are used to make modular furniture, garden spaces and full-scale buildings such as schools and houses. Ecobricks are a collaboration-powered technology that provides a zero-cost solid waste solution for individuals, as an Eco-Brick, a bottle brick, and Ecoladrillo, this local waste solution has come to be known as 'ecobricks' (non-hyphenated, and non-capitalized) by a growing movement of communities around the world
credit to wikipidia. 

what is the History behind Ecobrick?
The packing of plastic into bottles to make building blocks is a technique that has popped up organically around the world. Various simultaneous pioneers have helped shape the concept, methodology, techniques and application. The technique builds upon the bottle building techniques of German architect Andreas Froese (using sand-filled PET bottles) in South America in 2000. Alvaro Molina began packing plastic into bottles on the island of Ometepe in 2003.  Susana Heisse, in Guatemala began to encourage ecobricking in 2014 as a building technique and for solving excess plastic challenges faced in Lake Atitlan communities.[2]
In 2010, in the Northern Philippines, Russell Maier and Irene Bakisan[3] developed a curriculum guide of simplified and recommended practices to help local schools integrate eco-bricks into their curriculum. Applying the ancestral ecological principles of the Igorots for building rice terraces, they integrated cradle-to-cradle principles into ecobrick methodology: ensuring that Eco-bricks can be reused at the end of the construction they are used in. Through the Department of Education, the guide distributed to 1700 schools in 2014.[4]
The open source development of ecobrick best practices and innovations that emerged from the Filipino movement became the genesis for the Global Ecobrick Alliance in South Africa, Zambia, America, and most recently Indonesia. Movements in South Africa began in 2012, when American Joseph Stodgel brought the concept to the small town of Greyton, throwing an annual Trash to Treasure festival at the local dumpsite with South African, Candice Mostert, who started local school projects under Greyton transition town building with the bricks made by the community. The movement has since grown in South Africa, with organizations like Waste-ED, founded by Candice Mostert, who works both in Zambia and Cape Towns surrounds to educate people about plastic and its value, and the architect Ian Dommisse as the Ecobrick Exchange. credit to wikipiedia.

How to make Ecobrick ?
An ecobrick is made of a plastic bottle or container of some sort (including paper/laminate milk cartons) which has random plastic waste compressed inside it. Generally, a stick is used to stuff the rinsed and dried bottle densely layer by layer with non-biodegradable waste.[5] Any size of plastic bottle can be used to make an Ecobrick, but the most appropriate bottle to use was found to be of size 500 ml. It's easier to pack and less force is required from the stick to compact the plastic into the bottle. Food packaging needs to be clean and dry to avoid the growth of bacteria. The best method is to start packing the waste in little by little and alternating between adding the plastic and compacting it with the stick. While compacting with the stick the bottle needs to be rotated while pressing down to ensure that the waste is evenly compacted throughout the bottle. This helps ensure that the bottle does not have any voids and has solid properties similar to a concrete block.[6] Completed ecobricks should weigh 220 g and be stuffed so densely that they can bear the weight of a person without deforming. credit wikipedia.

Plastic is not so good to be dump in the land field why?

Plastics are made from petrochemicals. These chemicals don't fit back into the ecologies around us. Scientific studies show that these chemicals are toxic to humans — we know this when we smell plastics burning. Eventually, plastics that are littered, burned or dumped degrade into these poisonous chemicals. Over time, these chemicals leach into the land, air and water,[7] and are absorbed by plants and animals. Eventually, they reach us, causing congenital disabilities, hormonal imbalances, and cancer. Even engineered dump sites are not a solution. Whether it is ten years, or one hundred, these chemicals will eventually seep into the biosphere, which may then in turn affect human health.
A tremendous amount of plastic waste litters our planet every year, and its cost is huge. According to the UNEP 2014 Yearbook, plastic contamination threatens marine life, tourism, fisheries and businesses and the overall natural capital cost for plastic waste is $75 billion each year.[8] Since plastics don't biodegrade but photodegrade, plastics in the fields or water just break down into small pieces. Plants and animals then absorb these toxic pieces and enter the human food chain. When the toxic materials are in the human food chain it may then lead to fatal consequences such as cancer and birth defects.[9]
PET bottles will last for 300–500 years if they are kept from sunlight. When packed tightly with other non-biodegradables, they make a versatile building block that can be used over and over for building. They also become time capsules for future generations. credit to wikipedia.

Ecobrick is a smart solution to manage plastic why? 

ecobrick is an enviromentally friendly brick made by recycling. unlick brick in general, this brick is made of collection of plastic waste that is inserted in a bottle that is also made of plastic.

so far, garbage has become a classic problem that is quite trivial but cannot be completely overcome. based on information from Tuti Hendrawati Mintarsih, Director General of Waste, Waste and B3 Management ( Hazardous and toxic materials) from the ministry of enviroment and forestry started that the total amont of indonesian waste will reach 68 million yon by 2019 and the resulting plastic waste is expected to reach 9.52 milliion tons or about 14 percent of the total waste.

another suprising finding comes from data from jenna jamback, a gatbage resercher from the university of georgia who found that indonesia ranked second in the world for the biggest plastic waste producer after china. the amount of plastic waste produced by indonesia reach 187.2 million tons and china reached 262.9 million tons.

this problem is furher aggravated by the lack of public awareness of how to manage it especially plastic waste. 
